Click here for the DeKalb County medical authorization forms, including:
- Authorization to carry Epi-Pen, Inhaler and Insulin
- Medication During School Form
- Prescription Medication Authorization Form
- Non-Prescription Medication Authorization Form
What if my child needs medicine during school?
Bring the medication in its original container with a doctor-signed health authorization form to the school nurse.
DeKalb County School District employees may not provide or administer medication to a student, except as authorized by parent/guardian in accordance with a set procedure that has been prescribed by a physician. If a student must take medication, prescribed or over the counter, the parent and physician must complete the forms for administration of medications. Medication should not be carried by students during the school day, except as authorized by parent/guardian in accordance with a set procedure that has been prescribed by a physician. Students should never exchange any type of medication with other students.