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Juniors & Seniors - It's Prom Time! 

This year's Prom is on Friday, April 25. The theme is “A Night Under the Stars” at the King Plow Arts Center- so get your best glitter ready!


Tickets will be sold in Room 2703 during the mornings and afternoons only.

March 31-April 4: $65 per ticket

April 14-18: $70 per ticket

April 21-23: $75 per ticket


During prom week, there will be no discount. Discount amounts are listed outside Room 2703.



Class dues lists will be checked to allow you to purchase a Prom ticket. If you paid your dues by the Feb and March due dates, the discount will apply only during the first two weeks of ticket sales.

AP Test Prep 

AP HUGS - Ms. Mastin began tutorials last Tuesday and will continue them every Tuesday at 7:20 a.m. in Room A2 until the exam on May 6.


Students of Mr. Lynch's AP HUGS classes and Dr. Davis's AP Psychology classes will begin phase I of review for the AP Exam with a computerized MOCK exam scheduled after school on Tuesday, April 1. Register by scanning the QR code in the classroom by Monday, March 31, to hold your place.  Optional refreshments will be served.


AP Language Students - Fall students, if you are interested in participating in the AP Language test review virtual sessions in preparation for the May 14 exam, please contact Mr. Ritchey to add your name to the review list. Review information dissemination will begin on March 17.  

For ANY AP Language students interested in taking a full AP Language MOCK EXAM on Saturday, April 26, please see Mr. Ritchey to register.


AP US History Students - Starting on Thursday, March 6, Mr. Travis will conduct review sessions for the AP US History exam every Thursday during the ROAR. All students attending the review session must be present in Mr. Travis' room by 11:08. Any students arriving late will not be allowed into the review session.


AP Environmental Science Students - If you're taking the APES Exam, please sign up on Remind to receive information about study sessions and review materials. The Remind code @2025apesr will also be posted outside Dr. Lauer's class. See Dr. Lauer with questions.


GOPO Students - Review sessions for the AP US Government exam will be held in Mr. Robb's room every Tuesday during the ROAR beginning this Tuesday, the 18th.

Mady's Team is Saving Lives 

This spring, Mady's Narcan Project (MNP) is participating in the 2nd Annual Feeney's Fun Run and Virtual Run on April 13, 2025. Let's help save lives with Mady, a Dunwoody High student who dreams of making Narcan, a medication used to reverse opioid overdoses, readily accessible in every school classroom. She believes that teachers and staff should be trained to recognize the signs of an overdose and that students should receive further education on the dangers of fentanyl poisoning.  


Click to donate and find more information.

Engineering Tour to Peru - Interest Meeting 

DHS is offering a special engineering tour to Peru in Summer 2026, and you’re invited! We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner and a local NGO in the mountains of Peru. Please be sure to register for an ONLINE information session on March 25 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. to learn more about this opportunity and the discounts that will be available. RSVP for the info session using this link: m7y7y9n

The more RSVP’s we have the bigger discount we can receive!! So be sure to RSVP.

This will be a cultural and service learning tour. When students engage in service learning abroad, they gain a deeper understanding of global communities, develop empathy through hands-on experiences, and build valuable problem-solving skills. Contributing to meaningful projects in another country allows them to see the world from a new perspective, discover their strengths, and grow into more confident, compassionate global citizens. We would love for your student to be part of this transformative journey! 


In this info session, we’ll talk about:

  • How this opportunity will benefit your student
  • What we’ll see and do on our trip
  • Everything that’s included in this experience
  • How your child can earn academic credit
  • How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
  • How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period

There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!

Call for Teen Art and Writing Submissions 

This is a friendly reminder that teens have about one month to submit artwork and/or writing for the 11th issue of Between the Stacks, DeKalb County Public Library's teen zine. 


The theme for this issue is Fanfiction/Fanart and the deadline is April 18. Any questions, contact Jill Girardeau at girardeauj@dekalblibrary.orgCLICK HERE to access submission form.  

Student Assignment Project

Have you heard someone mention the Student Assignment Project, also known as SAP, and wondered what it was?

For months, Student Assignment Project committees have played a crucial role in reviewing student assignments to DCSD schools, a process that goes beyond adjusting attendance boundaries. Composed of teachers, parents, community partners, and local leaders, these committees serve North, Central, Southwest, and Southeast DeKalb.

These committees meet monthly to offer impartial, data-driven recommendations to the Board of Education and District leaders. Their vital contributions include:

  • Proposing equitable boundaries, facility uses, and program enhancements.
  • Identifying ways to eliminate inequities and improve academic opportunities for all students.
  • Providing insights on enhancing family and community engagement in schools.

At its core, this collaborative effort focuses on program evaluations, community feedback, and potential reorganizations to better serve students and families.

DCSD remains committed to making informed, thoughtful decisions based on data and community input. To learn more, visit our Student Assignment Project Resource Hub at where you can access meeting videos, presentations, recaps, district data, and our new Student Assignment At-A-Glance videos

Dunwoody Teen Police Academy

The Dunwoody Police Department's 2025 Teen Police Academy is set for July 7 - 11. The free, five-day program provides an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at law enforcement operations and the real-world challenges officers face.


Activities/topics include tours of Dunwoody's police department, the DeKalb County jail, GBI offices and the 911 Center, plus crime scene investigations, firearm safety and simulator, CPR/AED and first aid medical training, police helicopter visit and demo, and much more!


Space is limited, and priority will be given to Dunwoody residents. Click to learn more and apply.

Meet with School Board Member Andrew Ziffer

All are invited to a Community Gathering with DeKalb Board of Education member Mr. Andrew Ziffer—an opportunity to share your thoughts and concerns about DeKalb schools!

Date: Monday, March 24

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Sequoyah Middle School, 3456 Aztec Rd, Doraville, GA 30340

Don't miss this opportunity to ask questions, share feedback, and connect with your new school board representative for Dunwoody, Doraville, Chamblee, and Brookhaven.


Bubble Soccer (Schoolwide Attendance Initiative) 

Students, mark your calendars! Our annual Bubble Soccer event will be held on Thursday, April 3. What is Bubble Soccer? It is a fun-filled event in which players wear inflatable bubbles and compete in a game similar to soccer. We will have prizes, giveaways, and treats! This will be a fun-filled morning before lunch that will take place on the athletic field. 


To remain eligible, students must maintain good attendance between March 3 and March 28, with no more than two unexcused absences. Make sure you’re in class and on time to qualify. Stay committed, and we look forward to seeing you there! #Let's Go!

Seeking Volunteer for DHS PTSO Executive Board 

The DHS PTSO Nominating Committee seeks a volunteer interested in serving as VP of Students for the 2025-26 school year. This position is responsible for securing committees for Senior Week, Red Envelopes, and Graduation Practice. VP of Students also attends monthly board meetings (usually virtual and in the evening). Excellent organizational and project management skills are helpful for this role. This is a fun and great way to get more involved at DHS while working with other parents and staff.


Please email if you're interested or need more information.

DHS named AP Honors School

On Friday, the Georgia Department of Education named Dunwoody High School as one of 301 Advanced Placement Honor Schools for 2025. In the press release from the Georgia Department of Education, State School Superintendent, Dr. Richard Woods said, “Georgia's 2025 AP Honor Schools exemplify our commitment to providing students with rigorous, high-quality educational opportunities that prepare them for success beyond high school. I commend these schools for their dedication to academic excellence and equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in college, careers, and life. I am delighted the number of AP Honor Schools and school districts has risen again this year – a continued testament to the commitment of Georgia public education to expand opportunities for all Georgia students.”  


Dunwoody was named an AP Honor School in the following areas:  

  • AP Humanities School
  • AP Humanities Achievement School
  • AP School of Distinction
  • AP STEM School
  • AP STEM Achievement School

We are so proud of our students and teachers for their hard work to earn DHS this honor! Click here to learn more.

Library Access During ROAR 

Please be reminded that if you wish to come to the Library Learning Commons during ROAR, you must have a QR Code pass completed. It needs to be completed in advance with your teacher's permission. You should not be scanning the QR Code without your teacher's permission.


That means, if you want to come to the library during 1st period ROAR on Mondays, you should get the QR Code scanned & completed during 1st period, before you go to 2nd period. If you want to come to the library during 2nd period ROAR on Tuesdays, you should get the QR Code scanned & completed before you leave the class. If you want to come to the library on Wednesday during 3rd period ROAR, you should also get the QR Code scanned & completed on Tuesday during your 3rd period so that you can come on Wednesday. If you want to come to the library on Thursday during 4th period ROAR, you should get the QR Code scanned & completed on Wednesday during 4th period so that you can come on Thursday.


Any student who comes to the library without the completed QR Code pass & without permission from your teacher will be assigned detention.


Students who have dual enrollment, work-based learning, Cross Keys, or another class that does not require you to be in a specific classroom may come to the library during ROAR without a pass. However, if you come during a ROAR that is not your actual period, you will be assigned detention.

Parent Portal Access to Infinite Campus 

If you do not have Parent Portal Access to Infinite Campus to monitor your student’s grades, then you can contact the Registrar’s Office at (678) 874-8506 for assistance in doing so. With Parent Portal, you can monitor grades and attendance in real time.


Clubs and Sports News  

Click below to go to Club News and Sports News for the latest updates on what's happening at DHS.

Did you Know? 

You can subscribe to the DHS PTSO calendar and have all the dates added to your calendar - and updated in real time. You must be logged in.

Calendar Subscription Instructions

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Thank you to our

PTSO 2024-25 Sponsors!

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Image number 8 in a rotating selection of images.

Dunwoody High School conforms with the open enrollment requirements pursuant to O.C.G.A 20-2-2066 (admission, enrollment, and withdrawal of students) and SBOE Rule 160-4-9-.05 (Charter Schools Petition Process).