Parking in Neighborhoods 
Please do not illegally park in the surrounding neighborhoods around Dunwoody HS. The neighbors are getting upset and the Dunwoody Police have started issuing tickets.
Class of 2025 Senior Parking Lottery
The Senior Parking Lottery will be held on Wednesday, July 31st at 7:00 pm after registration in the auditorium.
Prior to the lottery, any senior student wishing to have a parking spot on campus must complete the online registration and submit a parking application by Sunday, July 21st at 3:30 pm.
Students need to be in attendance for the lottery. If the student cannot be there, they can send a family member or someone with a signed document stating they are representing that student (one document per person per student). When the student or representative enters the auditorium, they will receive a number. We will then show the number on the screen to determine the winner.
Please click both buttons below to review important details and complete the online application process. If you have any questions, email Coach Hill at
On-Campus Parking Regulations
Failure to obey the parking regulations listed below or falsifying any information will result in the loss of parking privileges, ticketing by the DeKalb Schools Police Department, and/or additional disciplinary actions, as described in the DeKalb School District’s Discipline Code:
- Students may only park in their designated parking spot.
- Students must display their DHS parking hangtag from their rear view mirror.
- Students may not park an unregistered vehicle on school property.
- Students will lose their parking privilege after their 5th unexcused tardy / absence / skipping class OR after their 5th suspension day (ISS/OSS). To avoid losing parking privileges, students must remember to check in/out properly.
- Students must never park in the following areas:
- district personnel and faculty/staff designated parking spaces on the Gym Side Parking Lot, and
- ALL parking spaces on the Auditorium Side Parking Lot,
- designated handicap spaces (unless authorized),
- spaces marked as reserved or for visitors,
- ALL spaces in front of the school,
- as well as yellow/red marked curb
Off-Campus Parking Option
There are some off-campus parking spaces available to juniors and seniors at St. Luke's Presbyterian Church. St. Luke's is located at the corner of Mt. Vernon and Vermack Road. To park at St. Luke's, students must purchase a parking permit, consisting of a parking sticker or decal. St Luke's parking permits may be purchased from the DHS Discipline office.
The sticker or decal will have the student's assigned parking space number. The student's right to park at St. Luke's is restricted to the numbered space corresponding to the student's parking decal. The parking spaces are in the lower lot on Manhasset Drive.
Parking permits cost $35.00 per year (or part of a year). If student changes vehicles or loses a parking decal, a replacement decal may be purchased for $5.00.
Students must complete a parking application for each car driven. It must be signed by the student and the student's parent or guardian if the student is younger than 18 years old.
Off-Campus Parking Regulations
To park at St. Lukes, students must comply with St. Luke's parking requirements, which may be updated from time to time. These include the following:
- Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and illegal substances of any kind are prohibited on SLPC (Saint Luke's Presbyterian Church) property.
- Public intoxication is prohibited on SLPC property.
- Student must abide by any posted rules, signs or other notices while on SLPC property.
- Student must not drive recklessly, speed or use a vehicle other than for transportation on SLPC property.
- No automobile may be parked on SLPC property without a decal.
- Students may not have firearms in vehicles parked by student on SLPC property, and may not be carried by student on the property.
- Spaces are for the personal use of only the student to whom they are assigned and may not be sold, assigned, rented or loaned to any other person.
- Student's right to park at SLPC is limited to student's numbered space on the lower Manhasset Drive parking lot, and student has no right to park in the upper Manhasset Drive parking lot or any other area of the SLPC parking lot.
- If another car is parked in student's designated parking space, student should inform SLPC. While SLPC will undertake reasonable efforts to require the drive of the other vehicle to move it, SLPC is not responsible for towing any vehicle that may be in student's space. In this situation, student should find alternative parking at a location other than SLPC SLPC is not responsible for any expenses or damages that student may suffer as a result of student's parking space being unavailable for any reason.
- Student agrees not to use an illegal decal, or to assist in any way in duplication or production of fake or unauthorized decals.
- Student agrees to abide by all city, county, state or federal laws.
- Student will not engage in lewd, indecent or sexual activity on SLPC properety, and will not use loud, profane, discriminatory or abusive language on the property.
- Student will not play excessively loud, profane or disruptive music on SLPC property.
Violation of any of the parking requirements will result in immediate loss of parking privileges at SLPC. Violation of any laws may result in the notification of appropriate law enforcement or other authorities. Vehicles parked illegally or without authorization are subject to being towed at the expense of the owner/permissive user.