Discipline Updates 2024-2025 
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! It is our upmost importance to provide your kids with a positive, safe, and orderly learning environment. We wanted to communicate with you regarding important policy reminders as well as highlight important updates regarding student discipline procedures. All these policies have been reviewed with students during our class meetings the first week of school.
With our ongoing efforts to maintain student safety and classroom integrity, we will continue to allow no more than six people in the restroom. We have signs posted outside each restroom door reminding the students of the bathroom policy. More than six will be subject to being searched and issued an afterschool detention. We maintain the policy of one student per restroom stall. More than one per stall will result in students being searched and issued an after-school detention. If we have suspicion of any vaping behavior, all students in the restroom will be searched.
We strive to keep the halls and transition safe and orderly. Tardiness and skipping will not be tolerated. All tardy and skipping consequences will follow the discipline matrix displayed on the following page. If a student has trouble making it to class on time due to restroom use, we ask that they report to class first and ask the teacher for their pass once class has started.
Students are expected to “disconnect to reconnect”. All cellphones are to remain out of site during class and instructional time. All cellphone related infractions will follow the matrix on the following page.
We will have frequent tardy sweeps. During a tardy sweep, if they are found in the hall or restroom without a pass, they will receive an after-school detention.
Tardies and skipping will now be tied to student parking and the coffee shop. If students are frequently tardy or skipping, they will not be eligible to enter the parking lottery as a senior. Any senior that is found skipping could lose their parking spot. Students that display frequent tardiness or skipping behavior, could lose coffee shop privileges.
To maintain campus security, students are not allowed to have any food delivered to our school at any time. Food will be confiscated and put in the front office. They can pick up the food at 3:15pm. All food not picked up by 3:30pm will be thrown away. If a student continues to get food delivered, they will receive consequences. If your student forgets their lunch, you may drop it off in the main office before 10am.
We now will be hosting Friday Night School. This detention will be from 3:30-6:30pm. The students will not have access to their phones and will be working on school related work. Students will need to get a ride home at 6:30pm.
Student check in/out process continues to be an area of focus. Please keep in mind that Dunwoody High School is not an open campus. Students are NOT allowed to leave campus (including during the R.O.A.R or lunch time) without checking out in the attendance office. After proper documentation has been received, students may use the QR code displayed in the teacher’s classroom, or report to the attendance office to be checked out. Failure to check out using the QR code or in the attendance office will result in consequences. Students may not check out prior than the specified time on the parent/guardian’s email. Checking out earlier than the specified time will result on consequences. Check out emails/documentation must be provided before 8am on the day of check out. Please visit our webpage and click on “Quick Links” then “Attendance” to read about specific attendance policies.
We are looking forward to a great school year. Our number one priority is to provide a safe and orderly learning environment. Thank you for your support!