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DHS Sports Camps - Summer 2025

The following 2025 summer camps have been announced in our weekly PTSO newsletters.   This camp info is copied here to provide our parents with a convenient reference.


Clicking on the bullet points below will take you to the Camp information.

Tennis Camp - June 2 - 5

Lady Wildcat Basketball Camp - June 2 - 5 

Baseball Camp - June 2-5 and June 9-12

Boys Basketball Camp - June 9 - 12 and June 16-19

Due to popular demand, we are thrilled to offer two weeks of the DHS Boys Basketball Camp this summer - choose one week or both weeks! Camp will be held both weeks 9:00 am-3:00 pm for boys ages 6-14. It will be a fun mix of games like Knockout and King of the Court, footwork development, shooting techniques, competitive drills, stations and scrimmages. Details and registration coming soon! 

Softball Camp is back! June 23-26