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Dunwoody News Network 
Official Dunwoody High School news network made by students, for students; keeping the community up-to-date with the latest happenings of DHS.
Support Dunwoody Academy of Finance 
The students in the Dunwoody Academy of Finance have worked hard to open their small businesses. Let's show them our support! Special thanks to the Aha Connection for publishing this helpful business directory of services and gift items that every Wildcat family needs. https://www.theahaconnection.com/tag/dhs-finance-academy/
DHS PTSO Sponsorships Are Still Available
The Dunwoody High School PTSO is pleased to announce our 2024-25 sponsors! We are grateful for the growing support of our community and all those who stepped up in big ways.
PTSO sponsorships are unique since they provide funding for programs that enrich the learning experience of every student. Please be sure to support the businesses that support DHS.
Many thanks to the following:
- Platinum Sponsors: The Whole Tooth and Goodchild Dentistry
- Gold Sponsor: Politan Row
- Bronze Sponsor: Sandy Springs Oral Surgery
The DHS PTSO is a 501(c)(3) corporation that supports Dunwoody High School.
Sponsorships are still available! Interested in learning more?
And don’t forget, you can still become a PTSO member and support our Annual Fund, which fills the gap by funding instructional materials, professional development, student recognitions, PTSO scholarships, campus beautification, and PTSO-sponsored student events.
NEW Dunwoody Quarter Zips 
Introducing new Dunwoody quarterzips! These pullovers come in two colors: navy and grey. They make perfect gifts and will definitely keep you warm this winter.
Order from The Cat Shack before Tuesday, December 17 to get it before the holiday season.
Welcome to those returning and a special welcome to students, staff and family who are new to DHS. We are so excited to kick off the new school year! We hope you had a chance to come to the school for Registration Day, if not or if you didn't get a chance, you can still do the following:
Sign up for PTSO Membership
Your PTSO membership provides for activities, educational programs, and events that benefit the ENTIRE school - staff, students, and as well as provide for improvements to the campus. These funds directly enrich your child's high school experience. Seniors who wish to apply for the PTSO scholarship in the Spring, must also be PTSO members.
Pay Class Dues
Class Dues are used to fund SGA activities and grade specific events. To pay class dues, create an account with My School Bucks (you may already have one but need to add your child and select the school). Once you have the account and your student linked, access the School Store and Browse All Items to find the class dues option. Please see the class sponsor for more details.
- Freshman Sponsor - Phillips
- Sophomore Sponsor - Knight
- Junior Sponsor - Anklesaria
- Senior Sponsor - Mastin
You can also use the link below to purchase PE Uniforms (optional, if desired).
Pay Class Dues and Buy PE Uniforms
Learn About the DHS Sponsorship Program
We are pleased to roll out our PTSO Sponsorship Program. This is an opportunity for an individual or business to give a substantial contribution to DHS PTSO with sponsor program benefits. Please see the program details or contact Meaghan Rohletter (see contact info here) for more information.
Annual Verification
Please see the DCSD link for more information about the annual verification process, which can also be completed online prior to Registration Day.
Other Items to Do
- Sign up for Lunch Payment / Reduced Lunch at School Cafe
- Fill out your Chromebook Agreement
- Get Chromebook Insurance
- Volunteer
- Buy a Yearbook from Jostens
- For Seniors, order a Graduation Yard Sign
- Read the new Cellphone Policy
- Sign up for this year's Remind class codes
Quiet Days Policy in the Library Learning Commons 
Over the past two years, the DHS Library Learning Commons, AKA "The Hub," has invited students to come in before school and during lunch to play Uno, board games, do puzzles, etc. This also spilled over into the ROAR last year. We are thrilled with how successful this "brain break" has been for our students. However, we must still maintain the Hub to be a space that is conducive to studying and reading. It is, after all, a library. A good number of our students come to the Hub in order to find a quiet space to read a book, to study, and to have respite from sensory overload. Based upon student feedback, we are, therefore, instituting "Quiet Days" in the Hub this school year.
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays will be designated as Quiet Days in the Hub, as well as anytime there is whole class instruction taking place in the Hub. On Wildcat Wednesdays and on Fridays (except when we have classes in the library), students will be able to engage more actively in the Hub. Students who are excessively loud on Quiet Days will be asked to leave. Students who are repeat offenders may face disciplinary consequences as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Signs will indicate to students when it is a Quiet Day.
Additionally, students may not ask to come to the Hub during the ROAR for non-instructional purposes. There will be no passes to the Hub for puzzles and games during the ROAR. Students are still welcome to visit the Hub during ROAR with the QR code pass if they have make-up work or other instructional needs. Students who come to the Hub during ROAR must remain in the Hub for the entire ROAR period.
We hope that this new policy of Quiet Days will provide a balance between those students who are seeking a quiet place and those students who want to engage in games.
Dunwoody Police School Supply Drive
Please help the Dunwoody Police Department help our local schools! DPD is collecting school supplies for teachers, staff, and students for the upcoming school year. You can find the list of needed supplies here: https://bit.ly/24dpdschooldrive. Once you’re ready, you can drop off supplies at Dunwoody Police Headquarters at 4800 Ashford Dunwoody Road. We’re looking to add more Dunwoody schools in the coming days. Thank you!
AP Summer Assignments
NOTE: if the internal links within the assignments do not function, try using Firefox or downloading the RTF version.
Required 11th Grade Immunization
The immunization records of all 16-year-olds (11th graders) are audited annually in August/September at Dunwoody High by the school nurse for the Georgia Department of Public Health. Please make sure your 11th grader has the latest meningitis vaccine required to attend school. Healthcare providers electronically update DPH. Medical and Religious exemptions are now required annually.
New School Start Time 
This information has been published for several weeks, but just to make certain everyone knows. The school day is from 8:10 AM – 3:15 PM. The only difference over last year is that school starts 5 minutes later. Click here for the new Bell Schedule for the 2024-25 school year.
Fernbank Science Center Summer Reading Challenge
Discover the Fernbank Science Center Reading Program, where students are inspired to read engaging books about nature and science while exploring the world around them with notebooks and pencils in hand.
This nature journaling approach encourages students to observe and document native plants and animals, fostering a deep connection to their environment. The program not only enhances reading enjoyment but also offers significant educational, environmental, and psychological benefits. Join us to ignite a love for learning and STEM!
Dunwoody Spirit Wear 
It’s time to grab your DHS Spirit wear and support the football team! Visit our website and gear up for all the sports next year. Many selections are not sport-specific so they can be worn to any event! Check out what we’ve got to offer and support the Wildcats! CLICK HERE to visit website.
Summer Reading Challenge
Online PSAT, SAT & ACT Review
The DHS Library Media Center subscribes to the Peterson's Test Prep database from Gale (link below). This database contains practice tests for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, & AP tests. Students will need to log in using the Gale password, and then they will be prompted to create their own account. Once a student has created their account, they can then access the practice tests & even self-paced guided study.
Please stop by the Library Media Center for the password. (Hint: It's a Gale database, so it uses the Gale password!)
https://link.gale.com/apps/ PTCP?u=dunwoodyhsl
Also, be sure to check out all our test prep resources available on the Testing Resources webpage:
http://dunwoodyhs.dekalb.k12. ga.us/TestingResources.aspx
Check out GATutor.org
GaTutor is powered by Georgia Virtual Learning. Georgia-certified teachers provide one-on-one tutoring sessions tailored for each individual student. GaTutor is entirely free! GaTutor offers flexibility for students, with tutoring sessions available outside of regular school hours. Students select the dates and times that work best for them. Participation is open to all Georgia public school students in grades 9-12 who are seeking free online tutoring services.
How to sign up: https://gatutor.org/Students/ Student-Information
Pathways to Research
In case you missed the academic talk "Pathways to Research: Navigating Your Path to Academic and Research Success", CLICK HERE for the video presentation.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Wednesday, February 26
- Friday, March 7
Quick Links
Dunwoody High School conforms with the open enrollment requirements pursuant to O.C.G.A 20-2-2066 (admission, enrollment, and withdrawal of students) and SBOE Rule 160-4-9-.05 (Charter Schools Petition Process).
Please note the Attendance Office is closed daily 11:03 am to 11:38 am for ROAR. |